Friday, March 31, 2006


I'm in Chicago on the 57th floor of a luxury high-rise looking out of huge windows onto the the entire landscape of the city and the river. It's absolutely beautiful. Small churches and old brownstones in the distance, with behometh skyscrapers nearby. And the cars making their way like little ants on a trail on the freeway next to the river.

Taking in the breadth of the city is awe-inspiring, but I find myself not wanting to go down to explore. I don't know what part Chicago I'm technically in. Nor do I know the name of the River to the right. Omar told me the Sears Tower is here, but I haven't cared to know which of these is it.

So unlike me not to care, but as of right now I've maxxed out poor brain. I can't possibly absorb a minutiae of trivia, another piece of information or any detail because I am completely utter-fucking-ly exhausted.

I started March with a job, a shaky love life, and a overly friendly boss who seems to have found the joys of Viagra.
I end March with no job and as a completely battered singleton. But somehow my scheezy sexual-harassing boss is still a player in my life for another 4 days.

I'm in Chicago for my final business trip for what will hopefully be my last stint as a sales rep for women's contemporary clothes.

Yes, I sell clothes. Women's clothes. How fucking gay is that?

But I sell them to boutique owners and department store buyers.
Which means I sell them to overwieght middle-aged women who dress like whores. (Boutique Owners.) or to former soriority girls who've realized they want their MBA by the time they hit 30 (department store buyers)

Half of the time they're completely evil vacuous cunts; the other half they have no clue what they're doing and are kind of affable in a retarded child sort of way.

So I've never really liked this job, especially because I was getting gross come-ons lodged at me by my 60-something year old boss.

Boss: Astro, is it okay for us to share a hotel room? Since this past season was so slow for us, we need to cut back on expenses.

Me: Oh sure, I guess that's okay.

Boss: And I won't try anything.... unless you want me to.


Boss: I was kidding, you know that right?

Astro: (Horrified) Yeah. what?

Boss: I was kidding. We don't have to do anything if you don't want to.

Astro: (Flabergasted and scared. Astro speaks very quickly, almost not stopping to breathe as he says) Oh. haha. Well you know I just realized that one of my closest friends has a huge place in Chicago. His parents bought him a luxury high-rise apartment to live in while he goes to medical school. I'll just go stay there with him. He's awesome, my best friend. Omar. And that way everyone will be more comfortable. Yeah. Oh I should go, the other line is ringing.

Boss: Oh, okay. Uh. I'll talk to you later.

So after such an exchange, which actually played out pretty much as I wrote it, you'd think my boss would get the hint and move on.

But no. He hasn't. He really wants my milkshake.

And he's now offering a job in New York. Working with him.

Life is so fucking twisted. I so badly want to move back to New York yesterday. Fuck fuck fuck.
I just got a call from my co-workers. I have to meet them at their hotel and get some work done.

Be back later.