Friday, June 02, 2006

Drama Sofa

Tonight my friends and I are watching our TIVO'ed premiere episode of "The Hills," the spin-off of the LEGENDARY INSPIRATIONAL Laguna Beach.
Laguna was MTV's "reality" show that followed the lives of a group of vapid rich high schoolers who dealt with serious issues such as clique in-fighting, hottie girl rivlary, and gossiping best friends.

So in other words the show is about faggots.

Now one of the breakout stars of Laguna, Lauren Conrad, is getting her own reality show that focuses on her adult life as she moves far from home (read: about an hour max if you take the 73 to the 405 to the 110, I've done the drive Lauren, youre basically in your parents fucking backyard) She's living in the hills of LA, and interning at Teen Vogue.

Check out the following youtube video from Mad TV spoofing Laguna Beach and read the great NYT article praising the merits of our favorite Laguna Tuna, Lauren.

1 comment:

thethinker said...

That was a very entertaining spoof.

Wish I could say the same thing about the Hills.