Monday, June 05, 2006

Fabulous and Broke?

After an exhausting and debilitating work week, I was on my way to the gym on Friday night when it hit me that I had forgotten to deposit my paycheck. (Direct deposit doesn't start till after a couple paychecks...why? No one knows) And since Washington Mutual likes to hold paychecks for 48 hours, I then realized that I had $40 in my bank account. Glorious bankruptcy!

Anyone who's ever moved cross country can attest to the level of pissing away that occurs with costs. All the small incidentals that make up your apartment end up costing you a lot of money to either move or replace- and that is why I've decided to become a buddisht Zen freak who cares not about material possesions, but only of spiritual righteousness. IF ONLY! Who the FUCK can live without their down feather bed and 1000 thread-count egyptian cotton sheets?! NOT ME!

Fucking shit.

Being broke sucks donkey balls. I can't shop, eat, or drink. The only thing I can really do is be a big fucking slut and suck dick left and right, but who really wants to do that sober.

I'll be fine in a couple weeks, but for the time being it looks like I'll be playing board games at the local YMCA and watching "The Hills" on repeat.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

ok, time for the next gotta keep this shit up buddy!


ps: what does a broke boy in NYC do...USE HIS CREDIT CARD, OK.