Wednesday, August 08, 2007

God Speaks

Today in New York was so ridic that it was ridonkulous...this morning while passed out, there apprantly was some biblical storm that flooded the entire subway system.

And that led to the entire city spiraling into chaos- which I honestly love. No other city falls into complete disarray better than New York, and it was particularly fantastic because today is the most humid day thus far this year, with a temperature of 94 and 80 percent humidty. It felt like we were walking around a huge yeasty ripe vagina.

Many i-bankers decided it was better to strip their shirts off rather than sweating through them which gave me a cheap thrill. There's n0thing quite like seeing a buff straight guy who is probably a big self-centered asshole without his shirt.

Fortunately,I was in VERY RARE form and was on my way into the office an hour earl but it took me a full hour and a half to get here- and living in Williamsburg, I was smashed up against hipsters. It was quite the experience as I usually throw icy daggers with my eyes at the scruffy posers.

Lesson from God: Don't even try to get to work early. You just are not meant to be in the office before 9am.

Amen to that.

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