Wednesday, July 27, 2005

Being Courted

Its funny how things rarely go the way you think they'll go...

I totally thought Kirk was waaay too nice for me. He doesn't drink even though he was never an alocoholic, he rarey goes out, and likes to stay in and read instead of bar hopping. HELLO, I'm a crazy lush/bar slut, what the hell do I have in common with this guy?!?!?

But he's been courting me pretty steadily these past few weeks, and my resolve for us not to work is weakening...
the motherfucker bought me Harry Potter AND has already done the one thing that will guarantee a tug on my heart strings: he surprised me with a pint of Ben and Jerry's. The fat girl inside of me already loves him.

I still don't know if I want a boyfriend, because in examing my track record this past year, I've repeatedly developed big crushes on guys who were emotionally unavailable, complete drug addicts, or big himbos. In other words, I've dated
men who I knew I could never really fall for...or become really vulnerable to.
All the while lamenting my state as a singleton.
Have I met quality guys in that time? Yes.
And Kirk's one of them, but I STILL have whiplash from that little incident I like to call Chernobyl:The Break-Up Summer 04.
I don't know what I'm looking for...some miracle-worker blind date who'll trust immediately upon first contact? Or some built-hottie with a heart of gold who works with mentally-handicapped children? Because even if I did meet the perfect guy, I doubt I'd be ready or willing to give it a go.
But I'm trying.. just gotta breathe and not be too neurotic about it all.

My hottie tottie boy from SF is coming down this upcoming let's see if I can focus on one guy for than a week. Speaking of...Jake sent me the photo of the Golden Gate from Baker Beach. Jesus, I forgot how beautiful SF actually wasnt until I was in LA- the ugliest fucking city on the California coastline that I realized the extent of SF's beauty.

In other news, I've been extremely busy with work... which is good and bad.
Good because Im starting to like my job. Bad because I hate waking up at 6:30 to get to the office at 8am. WHO DOES THAT?! Fucking aye! JESUS!

And so far every friend I've made so far in LA seems to be a New Yorker. Probably because I can't deal with dishonesty, and I'm sorry LA but your residents tend to be full of shit.
Don't tell me your a model, dude, when you're 5'4 and slightly pudgy. Saying you're a model ain't going to make you look like one. And calling yourself an actor when the one thing you've done is a commercial 7 years ago is a bit of a stretch. And make sure not to name drop too much; it looks desperate.

A bunch of us are going to the Gauntlet's wet underwear contest tomorrow night. Wish me luck, goodies are gonna be wet.

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