Wednesday, July 13, 2005

Karl Rove is in deep shit

Karl Rove has been fingered (haha, he's been fingered) as the man who leaked Valerie Plame's identity as a CIA operative to the press. Bush HAD promised to fire anyone in his adminstration involved with the leak, but OF COURSE Bush can't fire his BRAIN. Karl Rove bascially runs the show , and without him, Bush would be fucked...up the ass...without lube.

And lets face it, the Dem's don't have enough power or balls to actually do anything. Although we should be seeing Rove at a congressional hearing, my guess is that potentially explosive Watergate will blow over and once again Bush's cronies will get away with nothing more than a slap on their well-moneyed wrist.

and can I just say...Karl Rove is one ugly motherfucker. He may hate the gays but the gays think YOU IS UGLY!
check out the developing story...

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