Wednesday, April 20, 2005

Ann Coulter; Evil Bitch

This week's Time Magazine feature article is on Ann Coulter, the conservative pundit who is a favorite of Fox News and CNN. Calling her a crazy Republican whore would be an understatement. Yet I must admit that I enjoy reading and hearing her insane rants- it gives me a small indication of what the Right is thinking even if Coulter is probably more extreme than most Republicans. If anything, though, it makes me long for a counterpart in the Democratic party. When did the Democratic party undergo its castrastion?
Some choice quotes from the Time article by John Cloud:

"They're terrible people, liberals. They believe- this can really summarize it all- these are people who believe,'she said, now raising her voice, 'you can deliver a baby entirely except for the head, puncture the skill, suck the brains out and pronouce that a constitutional right has just been exercised."

"Coulter actually favors discrimination based on skin color in airports. She artuges that airports should establish a seperate line for men and boys whose complexion suggests they could be from the Middle East; they would be screened more thoroguly than other passengers.
'Basically,' she says breezily, 'aged 15 to 45- 12 to 45, say. Swarthy men...We'd be searching, you know, Italians, Spanish, Jews, males..."

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