Wednesday, April 20, 2005

The Cow is Preggers

Several of you have asked me what I think about Britney's pregnancy.

Well, honey, if you want to ruin your body with stretch marks, go ahead, but it does mean that you WON'T be able to be a drunk cracked out mess groping your white trash husband in public BECAUSE you're going to be a mom.
Why you couldn't find a hotter more intelligent man to breed with is beyond me.
You could have had one fine ass smart kid, but we all know that with Federline's genes, your kid is destined to end up at Canyon Ranch Rehab with Michael Jackson's kids.

So Britney, do yourself and your kid a favor and clean up your act. A trashy mom is embarassing. You'll have to leave the Kitsen T-shirts that say "Fuck off," and start investing in some more matronly wear.
And buy some Strivectin-D because stretch marks are gross.

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