Wednesday, April 13, 2005

Go Hug The Tree

Last night I met another one of my bartender's friends. He introduced himself and then hugged me. And the fucker did it again on my way out.

Noting the disgusted look on my face the bartender informed me that his friend does that because he's a love-for-all radical fairy. I almost threw up.

Call me a bitch, but I don't like strangers touching me UNLESS they're hot OR I've had four patron gimlets and everyone looks hot. And that was SOO not case last night.

He could of been cute if he shaved, washed, and tanned. But he hadn't and he smelled of body odor and pot.

If a stranger hugs you in New York, you get maced. And I really don't see why I have to change my behavior. The next bum that hugs me gets it in the eyes. So fuck off.

1 comment:

Frank said...

I would have loved to have seen your face when he hugged you. That must have been a truly awesome expression.