Tuesday, April 05, 2005

Good Shit

Good movies and music make me happy to be alive.
I saw Sin City last night and was blown away. It's a fanfuckingtastic movie. Total film noir, sexy, violent, and well cast.
Its a landscape where women provoke extreme reactions from men. Men either want to protect women or they want to mutilate them. And the women themselves straddle the dichotomy of virgin and whore. They look sweet and tender, but they're all packing heat and decapitating men..
Although I'm a certied faggot, I find something about women and guns alluring. So seeing model/socialite Devon Aoki star as a samurai hooker made me a happy man. WOOORK!

And I have to mention that I too have become obsessed with Kelly Clarkson's single, Since You've Been Gone. I used to think she was a fat loser, even if she had a good voice.
Her record company is funny. They're totally trying to distract you from her wierd face by giving her great hair. Next time you see her on TV or in a press photo, take an extra glance and note the hair covering the not-so-cute mug.
Whatever works, sweetie. But I'd go ahead and get the nose job.

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