Thursday, April 21, 2005

NYC Correspondence

I woke up this morning to an e-mail from a "gym friend." He's one of those guys who I'd see five days a week because our gym schedules conincided. We'd chit-chat while crossing paths. Me on my way to the free weights, him on his way to cardio.

He told me a couple months back that he was going out to SF to visit for a week, so we exchanged info. But he never called... because the fucking elitist New Yorker freaked out and ran back.

His e-mail below:


how are you?

I went to SF, but I did not like I came back before I thought, I did find the city totally diferent!! though the Castro was much bigger than Chelsea, I took the Helicopter ride, was really fun!! I enjoyed dinning out, went to Lime, Tapeo, 21-23, and did some shopping around.

Though about calling you but was more conncer about whjen to come back to New York! I almost kidnapped the helicopter pilot!!lol.

anyways I just thought in sending you a note ,.. How are you dong overthere ? missing us?

the Crunch over at Van Ness is fun.. went there.

keep in touch

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